A road

Jul 6, 2023

Celebrating 75 years of Child's Trucking

Sullivan Tire extends a warm and wonderful CONGRATULATIONS to Child's Trucking as their commercial department celebrates 75 years in business!

Robert Childs Inc. specializes in the service, sale, and rental of Case heavy equipment to construction and landscaping industries and has been a loyal customer of Sullivan Tire since 1990.

Photo of Robert Childs and Paul Sullivan shaking hands in front of a silver truck with the Childs logo on it. Beneath them is the Sullivan Tire and Childs logos.

3 generations of the Child family work within the company, a beautiful sentiment shared by Sullivan Tire as we're in our 68th year of business and remain family-owned. The current patriarch of the family exited the Marines in 1945, and through hard work and family values the company has grown into what it is today.

Congratulations to Robert Childs Inc. and the Childs family, and thank you for your valued partnership throughout the years.

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